
Conrad 100 Years Anniversary

„Achtung, Achtung, hier ist die Sendestelle Berlin Vox-Haus auf Welle 400 Meter. Meine Damen und Herren, wir machen Ihnen davon Mitteilung, dass am heutigen Tage der Unterhaltungsrundfunkdienst mit Verbreitung von Musikvorführungen auf drahtlos-telefonischem Wege beginnt." – "With these words, regular broadcasting operations began in Germany on October 29th, 1923.

Max Conrad recognized the full extent of the technical revolution - and had the solution. Back then, radios were far too expensive for many people. The Berlin merchant thus supplied exactly the parts that early listeners needed to build their own radio receiver: headphones, crystals, coils, detectors, and capacitors. The beginning of a success story.

This year, Conrad Electronic Group is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and we are very pleased that we were able to design and produce the media for this great evening. Many thanks to Gunnar Henke from the agency Henke Relations."

Lead Agency: Henke Relations 


Project manager: Yasmin Witt

show director: Markus Tirok

Special thanks to: Jan-Christoph Hermann

photos: Mirja Kofler

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